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Misused words – English in a minute by Baroni Teacher

Misused words

Misused words and homonyms

Misused words are frequently used in the wrong context, perhaps because we don’t know their meaning, or because they sound or are spelled the same as another word which has a different meaning.

  • Beside (preposition) = at the side of, next to
  • Besides (adverb, preposition) = in addition to, also, furthermore

Words that sound or are spelled the same as another word which has a different meaning are called HOMONYMS.

Homonyms include homographs, which are words that are spelled the same, and homophones, which are words that are pronounced the same way.


  • Row (verb) = propel with oars
  • Row (noun) = a linear arrangement


  • Write (verb) = to trace characters on some material
  • Right (noun) = morally correct, just, or honorable

In the following pages you can find a list of the most commonly misused words with their meanings, and several examples of when to use them.



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